Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Uranus, the wild card
Yesterday evening people all over the world marveled at the beauty of a Conjunction of the Moon with Venus and Jupiter. During the late Monday afternoon of December the 1st 2008 (in South Africa at least) the Moon, Venus and Jupiter were all located at 22 degrees Capricorn.
Now, on the face of it such a Conjunction would seem to be the very epitome of ease, grace, leisure and pleasure, and in keeping with this (arguably superficial) interpretation I endeavored to make use of the stronger than usual current of benefic energy in what I thought would be a suitable manner. All the while I was aware that Uranus occupying 22 degrees Libra in my chart meant that this triple Conjunction would be Square my natal Uranus. I naively assumed that this would simply make this event more wonderfully vibrant and exciting, as Uranus certainly is sometimes.
My girlfriend and I have been discussing finding a place to live, and on Monday afternoon I called an estate agent that had advertised some places to rent in a newspaper. I thought, “surely a home you find under such positive stars will be a great place to stay!”.
I looked at the first place the guy had to show me, and apart from being a little small, I thought it had potential. I called my girlfriend, who was just about to knock off at work, and suggested she come and have a look too.
In the meantime, in a flat not far from the one I was looking at, a couple burst into a rather nasty sounding tiff, which carried on for quite a while, with lots of banging and shouting. After a while a guy came out and started packing stuff into his car, apparently moving out. At one point the security guard got up to take a closer look....
Eventually my girlfriend arrives and we look at three different places all in the same area. I find myself a little frustrated because I'm really not getting any clear feedback from her, and what little I can read between the lines suggests she's not nearly as excited as I am about the cozy little cottage with the loft, and seems to prefer a place I find a little cramped and awkwardly shaped.
Oh well, that's alright. We agreed to go out for dinner; after all, there was a beautiful celestial event just starting to become visible in the sky. A perfect excuse to spoil ourselves!
We decided to try a Japanese restaurant we'd spotted recently. Upon arriving we were ushered to a little room separate from the rest of the restaurant since the rest of the place had been booked up. It was a little strange, and the two of us were now seated at a table for six. Ok, why not?!
Girlfriend suggests maybe a table outside would be more congenial. We move. After a short while girlfriend is feeling a little cold outside, but our little "booth" inside has now been occupied by a new party.
Mmm.... this auspicious afternoon/evening is surprisingly irritating, I'm starting to think!
Our waitress, well; her English is really not that great, and she's really no help in trying to make sense of this cryptic menu...
To cut a long story short, after our starters, I eventually manage to order some sushi, but only after arduous and complex negotiations. My girlfriend orders tempura.
My sushi arrives before too long, and we assume my girl's meal will be there any minute. I'm hungry! I start, and in no time my four little pieces of sushi have vanished. We wait, and wait..... and wait. No tempura. We check that the waitress noted the order. She confirms she's aware of it. We wait and wait.... some more.
A huge crowd of people emerges from the restaurant, I assume it's a Christmas party or something and everyone's had a few drinks, and they make a huge racket in front of the restaurant for what seemed like an eternity. Very disruptive!
The situation is eventually so ridiculous that keeping up the stoic grin is just plain pathetic! I summon the nearest waitress and as courteously as possible make it clear that things are going quite badly this side, and we've been waiting a very long time for a plate of rather simple food.
Our waitress and the manager told us totally different stories about what went wrong in the kitchen, but by the time the tempura was finished we were really just wanting to pay and get out of there. After repeatedly but amicably declining the manager's kind offer of a complimentary dessert, assuring him sincerely that it was not out of ill will, we escaped, just in time to see the last moments of the Moon, Venus, Jupiter Conjunction before it disappeared below the western horizon.
The moral of the story is that a Square to Uranus is sometimes not quite as funky as you may hope, even if you're an astrologer! It can even make a Moon/Venus/Jupiter experience downright upsetting!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Unfinished Astrology Poem
And thanks for coming so soon
To share with me in the pleasures
Of sparing some thought
For the Stars, Sun and Moon,
And all Astrology's perennial treasures!
Now, because communication
Is such a fine and delicate art,
Especially when there's something
This important to impart;
This Astrology's going out as a poem,
'Cause it gives it that rhythm
That sends the points home.
And, my dears,
If you will bear with me,
I guess another reason I'm employing
This poetic, rhyming medium
Is because, if nothing else,
It relieves the drudgery and the tedium
Which is a burden too often
Borne by the wise
In their labours of light,
For dim little eyes.
And before we go much further along
In these our merry Astrological forays,
Just a quick word or two
For those fearful religious fanatics,
Who love to denounce our Art,
But whom we have to tolerate
These days.
Something that's true
Cannot be wrong,
And absolutely everybody's dancing
This this cosmic song!
Yes, we're all stirring and shaking
With the Stars in their courses,
It appears to be something
That God endorses!
And, did you know
That since God knows when,
History's most pious and eminent men
Have given their good minds to this study?!
So, if you've had any misgivings
About the calibre of the company you're in
You can relax now, buddy!
And now that we've finally
Finished and done
With all these cordial preliminaries;
Pllleeeasse!! can we get on with it then?!
And begin,
With the first sign....
Have you ever observed the behaviour of Rams?
Especially the feisty males of the clan,
Charging each other,
Butting heads,
To beat each other
If they can.
Well, the Sun and Mars
Are strong and bold,
And these planets flourish
In Aries,
We're told.
But Saturn is very scared and slow
And Falls
In our good sign Aries,
You know.
Here he hobbles along
When he should be daring,
He gets harsh and angry
When he should be caring,
And if you happen to have
This tragic affliction in your map,
Well, we're sorry for you
But what can you do?!
Good luck to you,
Old chap!
The rest of the planets
Fare quite well in this sign,
Though Venus in Aries
May fight in love
All the time,
And Jupiter in Aries
May be tinged with self-righteousness
And Mercury in Aries
Lacking in politenesses,
And, oh yes
Moon in Aries
Can be quite demanding,
And though all of this
Sounds awfully alarming,
The Aries vibration
Give or take
The occasional conflagration,
Is so honest and naive
It's disarming!
(to be continued... waiting for Taurus!)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Don't Underestimate Retrograde Mercury!!
Well, the dread and fanfare with which many astrology lovers warn of the onset of Retrograde Mercury every other month is one such piece of astrological lore that I decided to disregard as a case of grotesque exaggeration.
It so happens that Mercury is Retrograde between 24 September and 15 October 2008. A day or two before Mercury went Retrograde someone called me about a Vedic Astrology course I'm running at the end of October. She said, in all seriousness, that she would get back to me after Mercury turns Direct. “Oh whatever!”, I thought, “astrologers are just silly sometimes”. She stuck to her guns; I haven't heard from her yet; maybe she'll emerge soon after mid-October, and we'll get on with that booking...
Nearly two decades ago, when I was just starting to find my way around an ephemeris, I noticed one day that Mercury was Retrograde, and I did find it rather quirky that a letter I was expecting was obviously delayed. It did occur to me that, Mercury being the planet of “messages”, and therefore mail, a Retrograde Mercury might signify delayed or misdirected mail. My suspicion seemed rather vindicated when, on the day Mercury turned Direct, my letter finally arrived!
Some years thereafter I discovered that this was in fact a rather popular idea amoung astrophiles. It certainly is astro-logical, and I seem to recall that I did observe it's effects on a number of subsequent occasions. I think my aversion to the Retrograde Mercury hype developed as a result of my impression that various new age magazines and websites over-emphasized the importance of this particular phenomenon, so that all lay people seemed to know about astrology was the hazards of Retrograde Mercury!
So, I've been quite amused lately, watching by cynicism transformed into renewed respect, by a number of uncanny incidents.
I have made payments into the wrong bank accounts (a sheer lapse of reason), and embarked on some conspicuously unsuccessful advertising campaigns. I have been billed on my credit card for items I have not purchased, and after a very frustrating attempt to reach the credit card people to sort it out, I learned that I was one of several hundred people who were likewise wrongly charged. A friend called and asked, “have you sent that info yet”, to which I replied, “uh...what info?... oh that info!....but weren't you going to send me your postal address?”. My friend; “oh yes!...”.
etc. etc.
This little article is in fact being written to use up some time constructively while waiting for a client who's stuck in traffic (and eventually had to cancel).
I really hope for your sake that you aren't reading this before the 15th of October 2008 (or during some future Retrograde Mercury period)! Haven't you heard?!- you best be doing as little as possible now, since no intelligent or literate act will go unpunished! ;)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thabo Mbeki's Pluto process
There have been dramatic developments in the world of South African politics lately. On the 12th of September Jacob Zuma had the fraud and corruption charges against him annulled on a technicality, and almost immediately thereafter there were calls for Thabo Mbeki to step down, since the presiding judge suggested that prosecutors were probably encouraged by Mbeki. Last night Thabo Mbeki addressed the nation announcing his resignation as President of South Africa (though denying the allegations of his interference in the Zuma prosecution), in accordance with the wishes of key figures in the ANC and allied organizations.
On the 14th of June 2005 President Thabo Mbeki effectively fired Jacob Zuma on the basis of the fact that Schabir Shaik, the so called “financial advisor” of Jacob Zuma, was convicted on fraud charges. The judge specifically referred to a “generally corrupt relationship” between Zuma and Shaik, directly implicating Zuma in shady deals, and on this basis the sacking of Zuma was justified.
Looking at Mbeki's birth chart, one of the most conspicuous features in this map is the close Square between the Sun and Neptune. This describes the passive “lame duck” quality one cannot help notice about him. He is so illusive as to be practically invisible. This type of configuration can mean different things; ranging from spirituality to martyrdom. It may arguably be this Sun/Neptune Square that made him susceptible to being so easily nudged out of the presidency, with apparently no resistance on his part.
Several years before the firing of Zuma I mentioned privately to friends that I expected that Thabo Mbeki would be getting involved in a power struggle, due to the fact that (Transiting) Pluto was approaching an Opposition to his Sun. The fact that Thabo Mbeki fired Zuma so close to his birthday in 2005 is very significant. His “Solar Return” was triggering the longer-term Pluto/Sun Opposition.
Isn't it amazing how Thabo Mbeki is himself “fired”, for all practical purposes, under another Solar trigger of the Transiting Pluto/Sun Opposition!
p.s.- please note that since there is (to my knowledge) no time of birth available for Thabo Mbeki, the natal chart above is calculated for sunrise. The zodiac positions of the planets, and the aspects, will not be drastically affected (with the exception perhaps of the Moon). The house placements of the planets are, however, unknown.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
America's Natal Chart
The possibility of predicting accurately is much greater when a chart proves it's sensitivity and relevance to the entity it represents, and this is something one normally gauges retrospectively.
The 4th of July 1776, as the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, was certainly a day of huge significance for America, and most astrologers agree in seeing in this event, on this date, the birthing of a nation. The question is, what is the birth time? Some great astrological minds have applied themselves to this question, and there are some widely divergent views.
I consider the finer points of this debate way out of my league, although I do find it intriguing. Just take a peek at the following essay by Edward Kohout to catch a glimpse of how complicated this question can get:
Some years ago I encountered a chart for America in a Mountain Astrologer Magazine that placed the Ascendant at 12 degrees Sagittarius (apparently Dane Rhudhyar rectified the Ascendant to 13 Sagittarius). When the Twin Towers incident occurred and I couldn't help but notice that the Saturn/Pluto Opposition that had become exact just a short time before that occurred right on the horizon of this natal chart for America (and I still marvel at the way Saturn in Gemini translates as “Twin Towers”)!!
Well, I don't have an essay to write about this. I simply wish to point out that now, during September 2008, Transiting Saturn has moved 90 degrees since the September 2001 incident and is lately Square America's Ascendant, if this 12-13 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant for America is correct. America is once again in tatters. Hurricane Ike has created huge devastation, and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers has caused financial markets to plummet to the lowest levels “since the September 2001 terror attacks”.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Sun
Sending signals to their many brains,
Which will all register a visual impression,
All approximately the same.
But then it may happen,
One unexpected afternoon,
When you go outside,
After shuffling around,
In your room.
That that bright,
And awesomely magnificent light,
That pierces the gloom,
Of the darkest night;
That that glorious golden incandescent flame,
Will be unveiled to your eyes,
And breathe,
.... it’s Name.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Astrology Readings
I have been very busy lately, and at times like these, when I'm engaged with consultations on a daily basis, I sometimes get to be the catalyst for truly valuable realizations in the lives of others, but from time to time there are moments of frustration...
People tend to expect a lot from astrology readings, and often these very expectations can interfere with their ability to benefit from the process. The mystery, sensationalism and controversy that surrounds astrology leads some people to hope for dazzling entertainment from a reading (if indeed they aren't sceptics who are challenging you to convince them with miraculous feats of omniscience), rather than viewing it as a serious opportunity for gaining greater self-awareness. Needless to say it can be rather challenging to handle these expectations and dynamics in a patient and diplomatic manner, without pandering to misguided notions.
Of course this is not true of everyone who comes to see an astrologer, but there is generally a poor level of understanding among the general public regarding the nature of astrology and astrology readings, despite the fact that so many people find the subject intriguing. The matter is made more complicated by the fact that it is impossible to standardise the quality of astrological service, since while astrologers may agree on certain general principles, they differ greatly in terms of the specific methodologies they utilise, the philosophies they subscribe to, and their innate or cultivated counselling skills. But then I suppose the same is true in every field of human endeavour.
Be this as it may, I personally (along with many other astrologers) feel more and more justified in describing myself as a psychologist (though I fully understand that such a statement is probably illegal!), since when my consultations work at their best, they work in a way very similar to effective psychotherapy. I would go even further and state that astrology is potentially a type of "amplified psychology", since you can gain some accurate insights without much input from the client, and then there's the whole vast subject of astrological life cycles that can clarify otherwise inexplicable changes of outlook, feeling and temperament.
Although astrology deals with life cycles, and although these cycles can be accurately timed for the past or future of an individual, and although they have an important influence on what develops in a person's life, so that one may at times accurately predict events, astrologers don't know for sure what is going to happen in the future. At best they offer educated guesses. Anyway, prediction is far less useful than insight, and the two don't always go hand in hand. One may predict some events somewhat accurately using astrology without necessarily having much insight into life and people. However, with the right attitude astrology can certainly assist in one's effort to become more insightful; but this often requires an holistic approach in which astrology is simply one useful component.
If you were considering having an astrological reading with me and want precise predictions and assurances about what will happen in the future, please note that I don't know what will happen.... but I may well have some ideas about how you may best direct or "manage" your innate tendencies, and respond to the various seasons of your life, in order to gain the best possible harvest, so to speak.
Carl Jung once wrote:
"Astrology is assured recognition from psychology without further restriction, because astrology is the summation of the psychological knowledge of antiquity."
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Russian military action and the illusive Medvedev
On the 10th of July 2008 I posted a blog entitled "Mars Conjunct Saturn and dangerous threats". Around that time Iran tested some missiles which naturally got everyone excited for a while.
At the end of that entry I noted that Mars and Uranus would be in Opposition about a week into August and that Mars and Pluto would form a Square closer to mid-August 2008. I believe my precise words were, "it will be interesting to see what happens about a week into August...".
Yes, I agree, that's a little vague; I did not write that Russia would stun the world by engaging in a sudden and vigorous battle with Georgia. What is significant though is the fact that this was mentioned in the context of military issues...
Mars/Uranus energy is sudden, shocking and defiant, and this certainly characterises the energy of this military event.
But wait! - the plot thickens....
I thought it rather interesting, in light of all this drama, to note that that apparently mild-mannered new guy is running Russia; Mr. Dmitry Medvedev, often described as a mere Putin sidekick.
Well, he is Russia's head of state now, and there is this astrological rule that states the the natal chart of a country's chief will to a significant extent describe the entire country's "fate" and actions.
It's almost a little scary to see how precisely the Mars/Uranus Opposition of 5 August overlays his Sun!!
It is also quite clear that Transiting Saturn is lately playing an important role in his life, and will be doing so for at least a year or so to come. In Planets in Transit Robert Hand describes Saturn Opposition Saturn as "the high-water mark of the Saturn-Saturn cycle". It's almost invariably a meaningful turning point- even a defining milestone- in a person's career. From another perspective the Saturn Opposition to the Mercury/Uranus/Pluto/Sun "Stellium" in his natal chart is ripening...
Watch this space!
Friday, August 8, 2008
From this incomplete amount of birth data we can non-the-less glean some interesting insights. The similarities between Bob and Morgan are glaring! Perhaps to be expected. What's that saying about the “hair of the dog”?
They both, in terms of conventional western astrology, have Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo. It would be very fascinating indeed to know the birth times of these rivals, to see just how close together those two Moons actually are!
What I find interesting, and my reason for posting this, is the fact that a number of planets are soon coming together in early Virgo, close to both their Moons and Opposite their Suns, and this as the world waits in suspense to hear what the recent weeks of power-sharing negotiations will yield.At the time of the March 2008 elections Transiting Saturn was in exact Opposition to Mugabe's Sun. That describes his defeat, which, even though he has apparently held onto power, must then have been experienced by him as such.
About 29 years ago, the last time Saturn was in (Tropical) Virgo, Mugabe was on the verge of emerging as the leading political figure in Zimbabwe's transition from white rule. Saturn has this peculiar way of either raising you up, or bring you tumbling down. When he was elected and sworn in as Prime Minister (around March/April 1980) Transiting Jupiter was in Opposition to his Sun and Conjunct his Moon, giving him a boost and marking a glorious milestone in his life.
Transiting Saturn slowly but inexorably marches on, and will Oppose the Mugabe/Tsvangirai Composite Sun (the midpoint of their two Suns) around latter August 2008. Could that be the signature of a power sharing agreement? If so it's apparently reluctant and brittle.
Then Transiting Saturn Opposes Mugabe's Uranus, Squares his Jupiter, and forms a Sesquiquadrate to his Natal Saturn, all this more or less in October 2008 (and recurring March/April and June/July 2009). These are certainly going to be tests to his position and may well evoke his infamous reluctance to cooperate and compromise.
Then Transiting Saturn Opposes Tsvangirai's Sun, in November 2008 (recurring February/March 2009, and finally July/August 2009). These are very likely to be significant stages in Tsvangirai's bid to replace Mugabe, but they are very possibly going to be discouraging and tiring in ways, regardless of any breakthroughs at these times.
Mugabe has this Mars/Jupiter Conjunction in his chart that Square Uranus ("the revolutionary"), and Tsvangirai's Sun plugs into this, so to speak. It's as if Tsvangirai can easily get Mugabe revved up, excited and indignant (the evidence abounds!). Now, it's precisely this energetic Synastry between them that is being infused with Saturnine energy on and off during the coming year or so while Saturn "loops" between 16 and 20 degrees of Virgo (from which these key planets in the Synastry between Mugabe and Tsvangirai receive hard aspects).
Let us hope that these two key figures in Zimbabwe's unfolding drama will find a way to engage with each other constructively during the coming year- since it seems they may be brought closer together, whether they like it or not.Transiting Jupiter will enter Pisces early in 2010, Opposing both Moons and Conjunct the Suns. This could be a very positive period for both men, if they are able to transcend the lure of self-righteousness.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Neptune the stoner
Neptune is a dreamy, dozy, foggy planet regularly associated with addiction, escapism and substance abuse. Astrologers see it all the time; this principle works in practice.
It will no doubt come as a great surprise to my readers to learn that yours truly was once more intimate with this shadowy face of Neptune than you would expect from so civilised a fellow! But it is true. It can happen to the best of us! ;-)
I have the Sun located in the 12th House of my natal chart (in both western and Vedic astrology). Modern western astrology considers Neptune the ruler of the sign Pisces, which as the 12th sign of the zodiac, corresponds to the 12th House.
I also have Neptune in the 1st House ("I am Neptunian") if you look at my western astrology chart. Furthermore, Venus and Neptune are in Conjunction in my chart, and in terms of Vedic astrology Venus is my Ascendant Ruler. So, you see, I couldn't help it!! ;-)
Anyway, I want to tell you a true story.
It was early in June of 2004 that one evening, after much hearty merrymaking at a friend's birthday party, myself and a few of Neptune's other loyal subjects gathered for some (if I must call a spade a spade) marijuana smoking. Well, the pipe that was proffered on this historic occasion had a rather large bowl, so that lighting it good and proper called for a stout hearted smoker. I was such an one!
As the pipe was offered there may or may not have been a warning attached, but even if there had been, I considered myself far too experienced to need or heed such drivel. I was feeling strong and feisty (much wine had been quaffed during the preceding hours), and like a fearless Viking I motioned to have the pipe sent my way so that it could be ignited without further ado. My companions obliged.
Well, I not only lit the pipe, I took a mighty big puff thereafter for good measure.
A few moments later, quite suddenly, I felt extremely peculiar, unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I thought at first that the fellow who had filled and who passed me the pipe, and who is a self-declared alchemist of sorts, had cast a spell on me! What else could this be? I tried to push this ... this... weird stuff out of me. It was like some boiling, bubbling liquid. It seemed to be working for a moment and then it totally flooded me.
I ran!! I just had to get away from where I was and had no idea what else to do.
Well, I ran straight into a fence in the pitch dark night and rebounded onto the ground. Then I just sat there looking up at myself floating in the sky, while looking down at myself sprawled on the ground. I prayed for reassurance that the sane world I used to inhabit still existed out there somewhere, even though I would probably never be able to return there again. There are no words to describe the experience...
To cut a long story short it was not marijuana I lit up so lustily that night. It was a plant called Salvia Divinorum , or "Diviners Sage". Don't try this at home!!
Here's an extract on Salvia Divinorum from the Wikipaedia:
"Salvia divinorum, also known as Diviner’s Sage,[2] ska MarÃa Pastora,[3] Sage of the Seers, or simply by the genus name, Salvia, is a powerful psychoactive herb which can induce strong dissociative effects. It is a member of the sage genus and the Lamiaceae (mint) family.[4] The Latin name Salvia divinorum literally translates to “sage of the seers”.[5] The genus name Salvia is derived from the Latin salvare, meaning “to heal” or “to save”.[6]
Salvia divinorum has a long continuing tradition of use as an entheogen by indigenous Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] The plant is found in isolated, shaded, and moist plots in Oaxaca, Mexico. It grows to well over a meter in height, has large green leaves, and hollow square stems with occasional white and purple flowers. It is thought to be a cultigen.[7]
Its primary psychoactive constituent is a diterpenoid known as salvinorin A[8][9]—a potent κ-opioid receptor agonist. Salvinorin A is unique in that it is the only naturally occurring substance known to induce a visionary state this way. Salvia divinorum can be chewed, smoked, or taken as a tincture to produce experiences ranging from uncontrollable laughter to much more intense and profoundly altered states. The duration is much shorter than for some other more well known psychedelics; the effects of smoked salvia typically last for only a few minutes. The most commonly reported after-effects include an increased feeling of insight and improved mood, and a sense of calmness and increased sense of connection with nature—though much less often it may also cause dysphoria (unpleasant or uncomfortable mood).[10] Salvia divinorum is not generally understood to be toxic or addictive. As a κ-opioid agonist, it may have potential as an analgesic and as therapy for drug addictions."
At the time of this event Transiting Uranus was about to turn Retrograde and was within 1 degree of a Square to my Natal Neptune. Uranus Square Neptune can translate as "sudden hallucination" as well as, perhaps, "liberation from dependency".
Although the intense phase of the experience lasted only a few minutes, I felt quite shaken for days afterwards. It is perhaps no coincidence that just a few days after this jolting reality meltdown I stopped smoking cigarettes and marijuana, and very soon thereafter I stopped drinking completely, and it's been that way since.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Etymology of the word "Consider"
- From the Online Etymology Dictionary:
- consider
- 1375, from O.Fr. considerer, from L. considerare "to look at closely, observe," lit. "to observe the stars," from com- "with" + sidus (gen. sideris) "constellation." Perhaps a metaphor from navigation, but more likely reflecting Roman obsession with divination by astrology.
A New Car
Reading the Sun Opposition Jupiter and Jupiter Square Sun passages in Robert Hand's Planets in Transit, I must admit I was warned to be careful of committing to more than I can handle, and there can be no doubt that this offer to purchase is exactly the type of thing being referred to.
But then (at the risk of sounding over optimistic under a double dose of Jupiter!) I am also under Transiting Saturn Sextile Natal Mercury and Trine Natal Mars, and I think I can see how these configurations have manifested in this purchasing and negotiation process. Although I am indeed committing to payments that will be challenging to meet consistently, I managed to negotiate a rather good deal through being firm about the limits of my budget. I believe these Saturn Transits contributed to this disciplined streak that contrasts with, and in this case, we hope, balances, the eager exuberance of the Jupiter influences. I looked at many different options and visited a number of car dealers before deciding. I saw that it was difficult to find a decent second hand car cheaper than I am getting a brand new one for (etc. etc.).
Looks like it's going to be a black car, and I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that I am less than three months away from my 35th birthday, which marks the year that Saturn "matures" in every chart (Saturn is associated with the colour black), according to Vedic astrology. Saturn is ruler of my 4th House (the 4th House is associated with vehicles and conveyances in Jyotish), and as the Raja Yoga Karaka for my chart, and being located in the auspicious 9th House, Saturn acts as a benefic for me.
p.s.- the deal was eventually done, and here she is:
Sunday, July 20, 2008
When Jupiter overdoes it
I will soon have Transiting Jupiter Square my Natal Sun. I'm cautiously optimistic about the prospects. I think I can see it at work already, because, with no money to boast of in the bank I am non-the-less obsessed with buying a car! And, if at all possible, I want a nice one!
About a year-and-a-half ago, actually it was the 3rd of January 2007 (with Transiting Sun very close to where Jupiter is now- Square my Natal Sun and in the 4th House from my Natal Sun), I bought a brand new car, a Nissan 1400 “bakkie”. I could hardly believe that I managed to get financed by the bank (and neither could my friends!). It was something of a personal breakthrough since I had assumed that, as something of a hippie, buying a new car was way out of my league. I had less joy with the car itself (perhaps my debilitated Jupiter in the 4th in the Jyotish chart?), but thankfully that's behind me now- I sold it in March this year.
I then contemplated my situation and decided that in light of sharply rising fuel costs, and the modest amount of commuting I do lately, a little motor-cycle would suffice. Well, in the end it was easier to borrow R15 000 than R5 000, and so I got a relatively good Yamaha 125cc bike financed by the bank. I still have it, and I'm quite happy with it, but it isn't quite enough. There are times when my work requires traveling further than my little black panther was designed for, and not having a car for this purpose does arguably restrict the scope of my professional activity.
So, this “I need a car” realization is burning like a fever inside me lately, and with Transiting Jupiter Square my Sun during the coming two weeks or so there's a very real danger of over-extending myself. However, I dare say that Transiting Jupiter Square Sun can be a perfectly natural time to take on a little more, and lift one's standard of living; the trick is knowing your limits. I test drove three cars today... I like the most expensive one!
I note, also, that very few days from now Transiting Sun will be in exact Opposition to my Natal Jupiter. I recall some years ago, under this same transit, applying for a cell phone contract in a very smug and self-assured mood, and being quite surprised and crestfallen when it was declined. Will this recur this year?
It has recently occurred to me from time to time, in between my impassioned vehicle visualizations, that all this craving for material improvement could be distracting me from what's really important (you know, spiritual stuff, etc.) and that perhaps if I could get back to my center, I may see that this “I want that car” preoccupation is not my truest truth....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Moon Conjunct Jupiter 17 July 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Mercury/Mars and fighting to be heard
Today I'm under Transiting Mercury Sextile Natal Mars AND Transiting Mars Sextile Natal Mercury, and in my natal chart I have a near exact Mercury/Mars Opposition. There's also Mars Trine Mars and Mercury Trine Mercury energy in my world todayish....
Well, I went off to the bank this morning to inquire whether some of the Saturn/Neptune number confusion had been sorted out yet. I was feisty, and I think I was heard!
Then I came home (enjoying the speed of my motorcycle), and just a few minutes ago I heard my neighbour, a rather old man, sounding more feisty than I've ever heard him sound before, and by the sounds of it, he may well have been giving a piece of his mind to someone at a call centre, like I did a little earlier today.
You know the Sextile Aspect (60 degrees of angular separation between planets) has 3rd and 11th House connotations (as I see it), so under a double Mercury/Mars Sextile Transit your neighbour (3rd House) may well be echoing your own forthright speech.
I have sometimes wondered, having this Mercury/Mars Opposition in my natal chart, whether I sometimes talk too loud, and whether this reflects a "I'm not being heard" complex??
don't tell anyone! ;-)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mars Conjunct Saturn and dangerous threats
It's difficult to be objective about the general or global effects of passing astrological configurations, such as the current Mars/Saturn Conjunction. It is perhaps impossible to view it from anything other than one's own highly subjective and prejudiced angle; but a Mars/Saturn Conjunction is conspicuous as astrological configurations go, because it's a meeting of forces that can usher in dramatically problematic circumstances. It's the kind of thing that makes astrologers just a little nervous... and watchful.
When I started writing this blog entry, a minute or two ago, I had not yet made the following connection:
A few days ago, on the 25th of June, I referred to this current Mars/Saturn Conjunction in my blog entitled “The Rogue Trio- Mars, Saturn and Pluto”, and there I recalled the fact that in May 2002, not long after a Mars/Saturn Conjunction (which marked a period of intense friction between India and Pakistan), Pakistan had “tested” some long range missiles to send a threatening message to India.
I quote below, from CNN.com, an article that was updated minutes ago:
“Iran test-fired medium- and long-range missiles Thursday, a day after the Islamic republic launched the long-range Shahab-3 and other weapons during exercises in the Persian Gulf region, state-run media said. The tests are Iran's response to what it describes as threats from the United States and Israel. They also dramatize the ongoing saber-rattling between Israel and Iran...”
The facts seem to speak for themselves.
It will be interesting to see what occurs about a week into August 2008, when Mars arrives at an Opposition to Uranus, and then a Square to Pluto around mid August...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturn, Neptune and "The Hobo Complex”
I thought I'd begin at the annual Grahamstown Arts Festival that is held at the beginning of July every year, and where I have very successfully set up my astrology shop in the past. Thereafter I thought I'd pop in at Knysna, and then on to Cape Town...
I checked my own Transits with with care and interest as the time for my departure approached. I noticed that Transiting Saturn (early in Virgo) would be Square my Natal Neptune (early in Sagittarius) during the first half of July, with Mars joining Saturn's exact Square to my Neptune around 10-11 July. I decided to postpone this adventure till the end of July, when Jupiter arrives at a Square to my Sun.
Some people would understandably question the enlightenment of basing relatively important decisions on celestial configurations. I asked myself the same question before deciding to not to launch myself into a relatively demanding and risky escapade, but I decided to trust my astrological judgment in this case, since I would need lots of “luck” and vitality to make it work, and it would be very costly if it didn't.
Of course we can never know what would have happened if I had taken a leap of faith into the frenetic world of the arts festival and other envisaged travels, but I have found it interesting to observe just how “flat” things have been recently, which seems to vindicate my assumption that this would not be a particularly lucky time for me.
Saturn represents practical and concrete things and is thus often associated with one's work and the material aspects of one's life. By contrast Neptune is the least material and concrete planet imaginable and is associated with emotional sensitivity, surrender and fantasy. Saturn in combination with Neptune could represent a challenge to integrate spiritual and material values, and although this can manifest as some sort of austere simplicity and spiritual discipline (the Dalai Lama has these two planets in Opposition in his natal chart), hard aspects between Saturn and Neptune often manifest as disillusionment and depression. Worldly duties may become unbearable, and there may be unusual difficulties in keeping one's material life well organized.
Once a friend of mine, while under Transiting Saturn Opposition Natal Neptune, dreamed he was crossing over a bamboo bridge which initially seemed strong and stable, but then collapsed, and he found himself falling into a murky bottomless abyss.
While I have not lately been depressed, various practical aspects of my life have been less than well ordered. I find myself avoiding work that I really need to get done, and my bank has made mistakes with my accounts that they are at a loss to explain, and it's not over yet!
I sometimes refer to these Saturn/Neptune combinations as “The Hobo Complex”, since people affected by it often give up on trying to keep their material life together, and at times they even resort to drink as an escape from life's challenges. This “renunciation” theme can also take the form of the the austere spiritual discipline alluded to earlier, which can make Saturn/Neptune aspects the “Signature of the Yogi” or spiritual hermit. You may even find some hobos (or yogis) in whom the distinction between spiritual renunciation and mere failure is rather hard to discern. There is a time for retreat and contemplative detachment from worldly things, and those that resist the call to rest, withdraw and simplify their lives may attract forces beyond the control that will erode their rigid resistance through loss and disappointment. For others Saturn/Neptune can represent a time to summon backbone and face the cold world with determination and fortitude, despite being completely discouraged, because we cannot indefinitely avoid any task or duty that is really ours, and turning to face a daunting task tends to reveal that it is not so insurmountable after all.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Those Blessed Benefics!
Today sweet Venus is about 1 degree from an exact Opposition to jovial Jupiter. Tomorrow morning the Opposition will be exact, with Venus at 18 degrees (Tropical) Cancer, and Jupiter at 18 degrees Capricorn. The fact that the Sun and Moon are both in Cancer today and tomorrow (New Moon) brings this Venus/Jupiter Opposition into sharper focus, “vitalizing” it.
Now, it would hardly then come as a surprise to you that I should today receive a call from a friend, whose Ascendant is located at 18 degrees Capricorn, asking me why everything is so wonderful at the moment!!
Interestingly enough, this happy friend decided to call me for this informal “consultation” as the (Transiting) Moon at 2 degrees Cancer Opposed her Sun at 2 degrees Capricorn...
Such poetry!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
A Time for Every Purpose
Jyotish (the proper word for Vedic or Hindu Astrology) is in many respects nearly identical to western astrology, which makes it very possible for people with a background in western astrology to relate to at least the basic mechanics of the Jyotish methodology.
Both systems attach roughly the same themes and associations to the planets, signs and houses, although they sometimes employ slightly different criteria for defining where signs and houses are located in the sky (there's an article on the differences between the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs on my website).
You see, the point is that tomorrow (1 July 2008) I am going to be spending the day with my 4 year old daughter, Leah (a.k.a. Aliaki-ke-Paki). I haven't seen her for nearly two weeks now, so I'm looking forward to it (Vedic astrology places my Moon in the 5th House; I'm a natural born mother!) and I have bought some pastels and crayons, and I'm envisaging the two of us making lots of pretty pictures! I confess that it's as much for me as for her; I've been craving to do some art!
What I find astrologically interesting about all this is the fact that we're finally getting together tomorrow after many recent delayed attempts (God has perfect timing!), since the (Transiting) Moon will then be passing through her Natal 3rd House and in Opposition to (or 180 degrees from) her Natal (birth) Moon.
Although creative self-expression is generally associated with the 5th House in western astrology, Jyotish places artistic activity under the dominion of the 3rd House, since the 3rd House is where we express our drive, skill and prowess. So, I suspect I've got the right idea and that our “higher selves” have simply been busy electing an auspicious day for the purpose.
I associate the Moon Opposition Moon Transit, which we all experience for a few hours, or perhaps a day, once every mo(o)nth, with a “direct emotional exchange” which tends to be intimate and nurturing. It certainly need not be unpleasant just because it's an Opposition (though it could conceivably aggravate underlying emotional tensions for some)! In fact, it can be a natural “bonding” time between two people. Furthermore, the 9th House, where Leah's Natal Moon is located, is associated in Jyotish with the father, which would probably surprise many western astrologers who would tend to see the father in the 10th, or maybe the 4th House. Leah's Moon in the 9th House alludes to an imaginative, nurturing and sensitive father figure.
.... of course the fact that the Moon is in Opposition to my Natal Neptune as I write this (about 9:15pm, 30 June, Pretoria) could imply that I am for the moment enjoying my own blissful bubble of illusion about how perfect it's all going to be; but that's ok, God has perfect timing.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe Elections 2008
In light of the fact that tomorrow is the scheduled date of the Zimbabwean presidential run-off which Morgan Tsvangirai has pulled out of, but which Mugabe insists on going ahead with, taking a look at Mugabe's chart seems a topical theme.
A while ago I wrote a short piece on Mugabe for a Facebook group (The Uranus Club), and I've taken the liberty of importing some of it:
"I discovered (through a Google search) that Robert Mugabe was born on the 21st of February 1924. I do not expect to find an authoritative birth time for him (though I'd love to know what it is if any of you have more information), so we'll have to make do with an incomplete chart.
Here are the approximate Tropical Zodiac positions for 21 February 1924:
Sun 1 Pisces
Moon 4-18(?) Virgo
Mercury 9 Aquarius
Venus 9 Aries
Mars 20 Sagittarius
Jupiter 16 Sagittarius
Saturn 2 Scorpio
Uranus 16 Pisces
Neptune 18 Leo
Pluto 10 Cancer
True Node 2 Virgo
It is immediately conspicuous that he was born close to the time of a Full Moon, since the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs. The fact that the Nodal axis is close to the Sun and Moon indicates that this Full Moon would have been a Lunar Eclipse, and in fact the ephemeris informs us that there was a Total Lunar Eclipse the previous day (20 February 1924) at 16:09 GMT.
You may recall that there was a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 21st of February 2008, and this eclipse occurred at almost the exact same part of the zodiac as the eclipse just before Mugabe's birth- this recent eclipse would therefore obviously have held great significance for him. Although eclipses are in themselves considered a little ominous, it was the presence of Saturn close to the Moon at the time of this recent eclipse that made it somewhat more grave for those whom it was poised to influence most directly.
Quite apart from this recent eclipse the simple fact that Saturn has lately entered Virgo and is therefore in Opposition to Mugabe's Sun and Conjunct his Moon (though we can't be sure when this Transit will be exact) suffices to mark this period as critical in his career. Transiting Saturn in Opposition to Natal Sun is never easy, and is often profoundly difficult. It always places pressure on your “life structure”, and it is not uncommon for people to experience an irrevocable crumbling of some aspect of their lives that is simply not able to withstand the test. This crumbling will typically occur in the person's professional life and/or personal relationships (such as a marriage). Transiting Saturn in Opposition to Natal Sun is not great for general health and vitality either, and not the type of state in which to assert yourself boldly and recklessly. The ephemeris shows that this configuration is in especially sharp focus for Robert during April and May of 2008 (and the effect may still be evident for some time thereafter). The eclipse on his birthday this year was a “forewarning” of sorts (of the current events) and certainly serves to amplify the power of the prevailing Saturn/Sun Opposition.
Note that Robert Mugabe was born with a near exact Sun/Saturn Trine in his natal chart. This is certainly the signature of the long-lived and highly respected patriarch. As Desmond Tutu recently said, if he had surrendered control about 10 years ago he would have been held in high regard by posterity. I also find it interesting that, looking at his chart through the eyes of the Sidereal Zodiac, his Sun is in Aquarius and his Moon in Leo (and don't forget the natal Nodes are here too). This polarity represents “democracy vs. autocracy”, or “the people” as opposed to “the monarch”; a theme that has been exceptionally pronounced in his career. He has been both liberator and tyrant in his lifetime.
At the time of the recent eclipse (which highlighted Saturn, since Saturn was close to the Moon at the time) I pondered the significance of Saturn being in Leo, in terms of the Sidereal Zodiac. Saturn's association with failing and falling, and Leo's association with authority and kingship led me to form the interpretation that this could imply that “kings would be deposed”. I was tempted to post this interpretation with my notes on the eclipse for the Uranus Club, but I was not confident enough about it. The resignation of Fidel Castro around that time did hint to me that this was not, perhaps, an unreasonable line of speculation though."
Well, one reason why I'm revisiting this topic now is because within just a few days, early in July, Mars will enter Virgo and Oppose Mugabe's Sun (a very confrontational combination), and although we can't be sure when, Mars will in the weeks thereafter also cross over his natal Moon (and remember that Mars is here combining it's energies with Saturn which has been in Virgo since September 2007). This implies a period of aggressiveness in Mugabe's world, which in light of recent developments, would probably be dramatic, to say the least!
Shortly after the first 2008 election in March I did a horary chart (a horary chart is a chart cast for the moment that a question is asked), using Vedic astrology, asking whether or not Mugabe would win. Mars was in the 1st House in (Sidereal) Gemini in this map, showing militancy and the potential for violence, which at the time was far less obvious than it has been lately. Mercury, the Ascendant ruler for that chart, was located in the 10th House and debilitated in Pisces, implying false public information regarding the outcome. So, as much of the world is saying, even if Mugabe does win, the result is illegitimate and controversial.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Rogue Trio- Mars, Saturn and Pluto
Around the time of the Solstice a few days ago there seemed to be a conspicuous number of people involved in car accidents. At least two of these people have Mars at either 29 or 0 degrees of different signs, and were therefore under a Sun/Pluto/Mars Transit. Interestingly, in one of these cases the person is under Transiting Pluto Quincunx Natal Mars (which was then being triggered by the Solstice Sun) and was in a car that collided with a big dog at relatively high speed. Quincunx's (150 angles), in my understanding, carry a 6th/8th House connotation, and apart from accidents and other troubles, the 6th House is associated with "pets" (she's also been a little angry with employees and co-workers, other classic 6th House associations). I suggested that she engage in some intense physical work, like scrubbing a mucky kitchen floor, or something like that. There's probably a task of that sort crying out to her anyway; life tends to provide us with opportunities to release and express potentially hazardous energies in beneficial and constructive ways.
Mars and Saturn are approaching a Conjunction which will be exact on the 10/11th of July 2008. Vedic astrology would see them as being in the same constellation already. At the time of the exact Conjunction they will both be at 5 degrees (of Tropical) Virgo. This does arguably cast a somewhat tense energy over the coming few weeks, but of course especially closer to the time of the exact Conjunction. Of course people born at the end of August and the end February (with their Suns early in Virgo and Pisces respectively) will be amoung the most directly... challenged.
On the 4th of May 2002 there was a Mars/Saturn Conjunction that produced, where I was, an extremely cold night that killed my basil plants, and the following day was the only day in my life that I was present at a public shooting incident at a market, at which nobody, thankfully, was hurt.
I once did a reading for someone who asked me whether I could see any dramatic events in his past. I remembered well the Mars/Saturn Conjunction of May 2002, because of the shooting incident and the way my basil plants turned pitch black overnight, and I noticed that that Conjunction had occurred very close to my client's Natal Moon. I suggested that 4-5 May 2002 could have been a fairly dramatic date for him. He thought about it for a moment, and then his eyes grew wide as he remembered.... on that day his ex-wife (Moon) barged into his home and physically attacked everyone present! We might note, though, that at that time Mars and Saturn were together quite closely in Opposition to Pluto, which made it somewhat more "loaded". During that month, I seem to recall, Pakistan tested a ballistic missile meant to intimidate India...
Birthing an Astro- Blog...
I was born on the 8th of October 1973, at about 7:15am, in Brits, near Pretoria, South Africa. My natal chart will be the key to this blog. You can download The Astrological Alphabet from my website, www.richardfidler.com, if you're still learning the language.
Mercury has just turned Direct, is Trine my Sun, and this is what happens: a blog is born!!
I note, though, with just a glint of trepidation, that Transiting Sun is Conjunct my Saturn (in Sidereal Gemini) and Square my Pluto.... I'll be careful!
I think this is a great way to record little day-to-day astrological observations. I love the idea, and I've occasionally tried to keep astrological diaries, but I tend to eventually neglect them. May the present attempt be endowed with Saturnine persistence!
I spent much of today in a construction site type environment, waiting in long slow-moving queues, which is a fairly benign Saturn/Pluto manifestation.