Jyotish (the proper word for Vedic or Hindu Astrology) is in many respects nearly identical to western astrology, which makes it very possible for people with a background in western astrology to relate to at least the basic mechanics of the Jyotish methodology.
Both systems attach roughly the same themes and associations to the planets, signs and houses, although they sometimes employ slightly different criteria for defining where signs and houses are located in the sky (there's an article on the differences between the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs on my website).
You see, the point is that tomorrow (1 July 2008) I am going to be spending the day with my 4 year old daughter, Leah (a.k.a. Aliaki-ke-Paki). I haven't seen her for nearly two weeks now, so I'm looking forward to it (Vedic astrology places my Moon in the 5th House; I'm a natural born mother!) and I have bought some pastels and crayons, and I'm envisaging the two of us making lots of pretty pictures! I confess that it's as much for me as for her; I've been craving to do some art!
What I find astrologically interesting about all this is the fact that we're finally getting together tomorrow after many recent delayed attempts (God has perfect timing!), since the (Transiting) Moon will then be passing through her Natal 3rd House and in Opposition to (or 180 degrees from) her Natal (birth) Moon.
Although creative self-expression is generally associated with the 5th House in western astrology, Jyotish places artistic activity under the dominion of the 3rd House, since the 3rd House is where we express our drive, skill and prowess. So, I suspect I've got the right idea and that our “higher selves” have simply been busy electing an auspicious day for the purpose.
I associate the Moon Opposition Moon Transit, which we all experience for a few hours, or perhaps a day, once every mo(o)nth, with a “direct emotional exchange” which tends to be intimate and nurturing. It certainly need not be unpleasant just because it's an Opposition (though it could conceivably aggravate underlying emotional tensions for some)! In fact, it can be a natural “bonding” time between two people. Furthermore, the 9th House, where Leah's Natal Moon is located, is associated in Jyotish with the father, which would probably surprise many western astrologers who would tend to see the father in the 10th, or maybe the 4th House. Leah's Moon in the 9th House alludes to an imaginative, nurturing and sensitive father figure.
.... of course the fact that the Moon is in Opposition to my Natal Neptune as I write this (about 9:15pm, 30 June, Pretoria) could imply that I am for the moment enjoying my own blissful bubble of illusion about how perfect it's all going to be; but that's ok, God has perfect timing.