Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Russian military action and the illusive Medvedev

On the 10th of July 2008 I posted a blog entitled "Mars Conjunct Saturn and dangerous threats". Around that time Iran tested some missiles which naturally got everyone excited for a while.

At the end of that entry I noted that Mars and Uranus would be in Opposition about a week into August and that Mars and Pluto would form a Square closer to mid-August 2008. I believe my precise words were, "it will be interesting to see what happens about a week into August...".

Yes, I agree, that's a little vague; I did not write that Russia would stun the world by engaging in a sudden and vigorous battle with Georgia. What is significant though is the fact that this was mentioned in the context of military issues...

Mars/Uranus energy is sudden, shocking and defiant, and this certainly characterises the energy of this military event.

But wait! - the plot thickens....

I thought it rather interesting, in light of all this drama, to note that that apparently mild-mannered new guy is running Russia; Mr. Dmitry Medvedev, often described as a mere Putin sidekick.

Well, he is Russia's head of state now, and there is this astrological rule that states the the natal chart of a country's chief will to a significant extent describe the entire country's "fate" and actions.

It's almost a little scary to see how precisely the Mars/Uranus Opposition of 5 August overlays his Sun!!

It is also quite clear that Transiting Saturn is lately playing an important role in his life, and will be doing so for at least a year or so to come. In Planets in Transit Robert Hand describes Saturn Opposition Saturn as "the high-water mark of the Saturn-Saturn cycle". It's almost invariably a meaningful turning point- even a defining milestone- in a person's career. From another perspective the Saturn Opposition to the Mercury/Uranus/Pluto/Sun "Stellium" in his natal chart is ripening...
Watch this space!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Morgan Richard Tsvangirai was born on the 10th of March 1952 in Gutu, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. As far as I am aware there is no time of birth for him. The chart above is calculated for sunrise at his place of birth.

From this incomplete amount of birth data we can non-the-less glean some interesting insights. The similarities between Bob and Morgan are glaring! Perhaps to be expected. What's that saying about the “hair of the dog”?

They both, in terms of conventional western astrology, have Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo. It would be very fascinating indeed to know the birth times of these rivals, to see just how close together those two Moons actually are!

What I find interesting, and my reason for posting this, is the fact that a number of planets are soon coming together in early Virgo, close to both their Moons and Opposite their Suns, and this as the world waits in suspense to hear what the recent weeks of power-sharing negotiations will yield.

At the time of the March 2008 elections Transiting Saturn was in exact Opposition to Mugabe's Sun. That describes his defeat, which, even though he has apparently held onto power, must then have been experienced by him as such.

About 29 years ago, the last time Saturn was in (Tropical) Virgo, Mugabe was on the verge of emerging as the leading political figure in Zimbabwe's transition from white rule. Saturn has this peculiar way of either raising you up, or bring you tumbling down. When he was elected and sworn in as Prime Minister (around March/April 1980) Transiting Jupiter was in Opposition to his Sun and Conjunct his Moon, giving him a boost and marking a glorious milestone in his life.

Transiting Saturn slowly but inexorably marches on, and will Oppose the Mugabe/Tsvangirai Composite Sun (the midpoint of their two Suns) around latter August 2008. Could that be the signature of a power sharing agreement? If so it's apparently reluctant and brittle.

Then Transiting Saturn Opposes Mugabe's Uranus, Squares his Jupiter, and forms a Sesquiquadrate to his Natal Saturn, all this more or less in October 2008 (and recurring March/April and June/July 2009). These are certainly going to be tests to his position and may well evoke his infamous reluctance to cooperate and compromise.

Then Transiting Saturn Opposes Tsvangirai's Sun, in November 2008 (recurring February/March 2009, and finally July/August 2009). These are very likely to be significant stages in Tsvangirai's bid to replace Mugabe, but they are very possibly going to be discouraging and tiring in ways, regardless of any breakthroughs at these times.

Mugabe has this Mars/Jupiter Conjunction in his chart that Square Uranus ("the revolutionary"), and Tsvangirai's Sun plugs into this, so to speak. It's as if Tsvangirai can easily get Mugabe revved up, excited and indignant (the evidence abounds!). Now, it's precisely this energetic Synastry between them that is being infused with Saturnine energy on and off during the coming year or so while Saturn "loops" between 16 and 20 degrees of Virgo (from which these key planets in the Synastry between Mugabe and Tsvangirai receive hard aspects).

Let us hope that these two key figures in Zimbabwe's unfolding drama will find a way to engage with each other constructively during the coming year- since it seems they may be brought closer together, whether they like it or not.

Transiting Jupiter will enter Pisces early in 2010, Opposing both Moons and Conjunct the Suns. This could be a very positive period for both men, if they are able to transcend the lure of self-righteousness.