Monday, September 22, 2008

Thabo Mbeki's Pluto process

There have been dramatic developments in the world of South African politics lately. On the 12th of September Jacob Zuma had the fraud and corruption charges against him annulled on a technicality, and almost immediately thereafter there were calls for Thabo Mbeki to step down, since the presiding judge suggested that prosecutors were probably encouraged by Mbeki. Last night Thabo Mbeki addressed the nation announcing his resignation as President of South Africa (though denying the allegations of his interference in the Zuma prosecution), in accordance with the wishes of key figures in the ANC and allied organizations.

On the 14th of June 2005 President Thabo Mbeki effectively fired Jacob Zuma on the basis of the fact that Schabir Shaik, the so called “financial advisor” of Jacob Zuma, was convicted on fraud charges. The judge specifically referred to a “generally corrupt relationship” between Zuma and Shaik, directly implicating Zuma in shady deals, and on this basis the sacking of Zuma was justified.

Looking at Mbeki's birth chart, one of the most conspicuous features in this map is the close Square between the Sun and Neptune. This describes the passive “lame duck” quality one cannot help notice about him. He is so illusive as to be practically invisible. This type of configuration can mean different things; ranging from spirituality to martyrdom. It may arguably be this Sun/Neptune Square that made him susceptible to being so easily nudged out of the presidency, with apparently no resistance on his part.

Several years before the firing of Zuma I mentioned privately to friends that I expected that Thabo Mbeki would be getting involved in a power struggle, due to the fact that (Transiting) Pluto was approaching an Opposition to his Sun. The fact that Thabo Mbeki fired Zuma so close to his birthday in 2005 is very significant. His “Solar Return” was triggering the longer-term Pluto/Sun Opposition.

Isn't it amazing how Thabo Mbeki is himself “fired”, for all practical purposes, under another Solar trigger of the Transiting Pluto/Sun Opposition!

p.s.- please note that since there is (to my knowledge) no time of birth available for Thabo Mbeki, the natal chart above is calculated for sunrise. The zodiac positions of the planets, and the aspects, will not be drastically affected (with the exception perhaps of the Moon). The house placements of the planets are, however, unknown.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

America's Natal Chart

The prospect of being able to predict national or global events with astrology is obviously tantalizing, but in practice Mundane Astrology (the astrology of global events) is complex and fraught with points of ambiguity that make it a particularly challenging branch of the stellar science. For one thing, deciding on the actual moment when a nation or country is born is far more difficult than doing the same for a human individual. Even when there is a particular day that stands out as the birth of a nation (and such days are often clearly identifiable) the actual time of that day when the “birth” occurs is less easy to pinpoint, as such births are typically manifested as human ceremonies that may take some hours to perform. It is furthermore not always clear which city or town to use as the location of the event. There are often various options in these respects, and it takes keen and intuitive judgement from an astrologer to discern the crucial moment.

The possibility of predicting accurately is much greater when a chart proves it's sensitivity and relevance to the entity it represents, and this is something one normally gauges retrospectively.

The 4th of July 1776, as the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, was certainly a day of huge significance for America, and most astrologers agree in seeing in this event, on this date, the birthing of a nation. The question is, what is the birth time? Some great astrological minds have applied themselves to this question, and there are some widely divergent views.

I consider the finer points of this debate way out of my league, although I do find it intriguing. Just take a peek at the following essay by Edward Kohout to catch a glimpse of how complicated this question can get:

Some years ago I encountered a chart for America in a Mountain Astrologer Magazine that placed the Ascendant at 12 degrees Sagittarius (apparently Dane Rhudhyar rectified the Ascendant to 13 Sagittarius). When the Twin Towers incident occurred and I couldn't help but notice that the Saturn/Pluto Opposition that had become exact just a short time before that occurred right on the horizon of this natal chart for America (and I still marvel at the way Saturn in Gemini translates as “Twin Towers”)!!

Well, I don't have an essay to write about this. I simply wish to point out that now, during September 2008, Transiting Saturn has moved 90 degrees since the September 2001 incident and is lately Square America's Ascendant, if this 12-13 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant for America is correct. America is once again in tatters. Hurricane Ike has created huge devastation, and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers has caused financial markets to plummet to the lowest levels “since the September 2001 terror attacks”.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Sun

Many eyes may see the same sunset,
Sending signals to their many brains,
Which will all register a visual impression,
All approximately the same.

But then it may happen,
One unexpected afternoon,
When you go outside,
After shuffling around,
In your room.

That that bright,
And awesomely magnificent light,
That pierces the gloom,
Of the darkest night;
That that glorious golden incandescent flame,
Will be unveiled to your eyes,
And breathe,
.... it’s Name.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Astrology Readings

Astrology readings can be profound and powerful, though as an astrologer who does this nearly every day, I am acutely aware that there are many factors that come to bear on the process. You can't force the magic to happen; it blossoms when the conditions are just right, and both the astrologer and the client contribute to the outcome.

I have been very busy lately, and at times like these, when I'm engaged with consultations on a daily basis, I sometimes get to be the catalyst for truly valuable realizations in the lives of others, but from time to time there are moments of frustration...

People tend to expect a lot from astrology readings, and often these very expectations can interfere with their ability to benefit from the process. The mystery, sensationalism and controversy that surrounds astrology leads some people to hope for dazzling entertainment from a reading (if indeed they aren't sceptics who are challenging you to convince them with miraculous feats of omniscience), rather than viewing it as a serious opportunity for gaining greater self-awareness. Needless to say it can be rather challenging to handle these expectations and dynamics in a patient and diplomatic manner, without pandering to misguided notions.

Of course this is not true of everyone who comes to see an astrologer, but there is generally a poor level of understanding among the general public regarding the nature of astrology and astrology readings, despite the fact that so many people find the subject intriguing. The matter is made more complicated by the fact that it is impossible to standardise the quality of astrological service, since while astrologers may agree on certain general principles, they differ greatly in terms of the specific methodologies they utilise, the philosophies they subscribe to, and their innate or cultivated counselling skills. But then I suppose the same is true in every field of human endeavour.

Be this as it may, I personally (along with many other astrologers) feel more and more justified in describing myself as a psychologist (though I fully understand that such a statement is probably illegal!), since when my consultations work at their best, they work in a way very similar to effective psychotherapy. I would go even further and state that astrology is potentially a type of "amplified psychology", since you can gain some accurate insights without much input from the client, and then there's the whole vast subject of astrological life cycles that can clarify otherwise inexplicable changes of outlook, feeling and temperament.

Although astrology deals with life cycles, and although these cycles can be accurately timed for the past or future of an individual, and although they have an important influence on what develops in a person's life, so that one may at times accurately predict events, astrologers don't know for sure what is going to happen in the future. At best they offer educated guesses. Anyway, prediction is far less useful than insight, and the two don't always go hand in hand. One may predict some events somewhat accurately using astrology without necessarily having much insight into life and people. However, with the right attitude astrology can certainly assist in one's effort to become more insightful; but this often requires an holistic approach in which astrology is simply one useful component.

If you were considering having an astrological reading with me and want precise predictions and assurances about what will happen in the future, please note that I don't know what will happen.... but I may well have some ideas about how you may best direct or "manage" your innate tendencies, and respond to the various seasons of your life, in order to gain the best possible harvest, so to speak.

Carl Jung once wrote:

"Astrology is assured recognition from psychology without further restriction, because astrology is the summation of the psychological knowledge of antiquity."