There have been dramatic developments in the world of South African politics lately. On the 12th of September Jacob Zuma had the fraud and corruption charges against him annulled on a technicality, and almost immediately thereafter there were calls for Thabo Mbeki to step down, since the presiding judge suggested that prosecutors were probably encouraged by Mbeki. Last night Thabo Mbeki addressed the nation announcing his resignation as President of South Africa (though denying the allegations of his interference in the Zuma prosecution), in accordance with the wishes of key figures in the ANC and allied organizations.
On the 14th of June 2005 President Thabo Mbeki effectively fired Jacob Zuma on the basis of the fact that Schabir Shaik, the so called “financial advisor” of Jacob Zuma, was convicted on fraud charges. The judge specifically referred to a “generally corrupt relationship” between Zuma and Shaik, directly implicating Zuma in shady deals, and on this basis the sacking of Zuma was justified.
Looking at Mbeki's birth chart, one of the most conspicuous features in this map is the close Square between the Sun and Neptune. This describes the passive “lame duck” quality one cannot help notice about him. He is so illusive as to be practically invisible. This type of configuration can mean different things; ranging from spirituality to martyrdom. It may arguably be this Sun/Neptune Square that made him susceptible to being so easily nudged out of the presidency, with apparently no resistance on his part.
Several years before the firing of Zuma I mentioned privately to friends that I expected that Thabo Mbeki would be getting involved in a power struggle, due to the fact that (Transiting) Pluto was approaching an Opposition to his Sun. The fact that Thabo Mbeki fired Zuma so close to his birthday in 2005 is very significant. His “Solar Return” was triggering the longer-term Pluto/Sun Opposition.
Isn't it amazing how Thabo Mbeki is himself “fired”, for all practical purposes, under another Solar trigger of the Transiting Pluto/Sun Opposition!
p.s.- please note that since there is (to my knowledge) no time of birth available for Thabo Mbeki, the natal chart above is calculated for sunrise. The zodiac positions of the planets, and the aspects, will not be drastically affected (with the exception perhaps of the Moon). The house placements of the planets are, however, unknown.