I have observed a curious pattern regarding missile launches, without being specifically on the lookout for one.
On the 25th of June 2008 I posted a blog entitled "The Rogue Trio- Mars, Saturn and Pluto", and I noted at the end of that entry that Pakistan had tested a long range missile around the time of a Mars/Saturn Conjunction in May 2002. Then about two weeks later (10 July 2008) I posted another blog named "Mars Conjunct Saturn and dangerous threats", and at this time Iran tested some missiles that also caused a stir in international politics, and here I first noted this Mars/Saturn connection in relation to missile tests.
Interestingly enough I ended that blog musing, "...it will be interesting to see what occurs about a week into August 2008, when Mars arrives at an Opposition to Uranus". That's when Russia gave Georgia a swift and stern battering in response to Georgia's military action against it's own separatist provinces. Mars will arrive at a Conjunction to Uranus around mid-April 2008... let's see!
Well, in the news at the moment is the immanent launch of a long range missile by North Korea which has America, South Korea and Japan very upset. North Korea claims this launch is intended only to set a satellite into orbit, but America and co. insist this is really a test of the missile's potential for military use. The way North Korea has timed this launch for the time of a near exact Mars/Saturn Opposition is extremely conspicuous. It actually makes me wonder whether the nations of the world have determined that such Mars/Saturn aspects are proper and suitable for this rather inauspicious type of activity; or are they just intuitively responding to "the forces of nature"?
By the way, one thing Conjunctions and Oppositions have in common is that when they occur the two bodies in question, along with the Earth, will be in a straight line in the solar system. I (and perhaps most other astrologers) consider Conjunctions and Oppositions to be the strongest types of aspect.
Of course at the time of this writing the missile has not yet been launched, though there seems to be every likelihood that it will be. And even if it were not launched, the mere fact that it is expected and causing such a stir at this particular time would be enough to make it peculiarly synchronous in light of this Mars/Saturn pattern I've observed in relation to such missile launches.
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