I'm no expert on eclipses, but they are certainly interesting, and important, and I'd like to understand them better!
As a resident of South Africa it's hard to remain uninterested in the Soccer World Cup, but amazingly only at this late date have I noticed that the World Cup final will be played during a Total Solar Eclipse (which won't be visible at the site of the match though)!!
I find it intriguing that the "path of totality" of this eclipse, most of which passes through the pacific ocean, ends at the southern tip of South America, and the shadow would (as far as I can tell as an eclipse non-expert) be "visible" right up to the middle portion of the South American continent; very close to Uruguay and Paraguay, both of which at this moment are potential contenders to play in the final... Uruguay is through to the Semi-Finals, and Paraguay faces Spain 30 minutes from now, and if they win they go through too.
Also, the astrocartography map for the moment of the eclipse shows Mars on the MC ("aggressive pursuit of success") close to Uruguay and Paraguay. Could that be a red card?!
The Netherlands and Germany (interestingly located close together like Uruguay and Paraguay) have both been doing very well and have made it through to the Semi-Finals. The Netherlands beat Brazil yesterday I think, and today Germany beat Argentina (4-0!). The Sun and Moon are on the Descendant around the Netherlands and Germany at the time of the eclipse. What could that mean?
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Amazing- Spain just beat Paraguay, and it so happens that the Sun-Moon Conjunction line in the astrocartography map at the time of the eclipse runs through Spain too! So the Sun-Moon Conjunction at the time of the eclipse is on the Descendant for the Netherlands, Germany and Spain- three of the four teams in the Semi-Finals!! At least one, if not both of the teams playing in the final have the eclipse on an angle in their countries! A striking "coincidence"!!
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