Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Neptune the stoner

Neptune is a dreamy, dozy, foggy planet regularly associated with addiction, escapism and substance abuse. Astrologers see it all the time; this principle works in practice.

It will no doubt come as a great surprise to my readers to learn that yours truly was once more intimate with this shadowy face of Neptune than you would expect from so civilised a fellow! But it is true. It can happen to the best of us! ;-)

I have the Sun located in the 12th House of my natal chart (in both western and Vedic astrology). Modern western astrology considers Neptune the ruler of the sign Pisces, which as the 12th sign of the zodiac, corresponds to the 12th House.

I also have Neptune in the 1st House ("I am Neptunian") if you look at my western astrology chart. Furthermore, Venus and Neptune are in Conjunction in my chart, and in terms of Vedic astrology Venus is my Ascendant Ruler. So, you see, I couldn't help it!! ;-)

Anyway, I want to tell you a true story.

It was early in June of 2004 that one evening, after much hearty merrymaking at a friend's birthday party, myself and a few of Neptune's other loyal subjects gathered for some (if I must call a spade a spade) marijuana smoking. Well, the pipe that was proffered on this historic occasion had a rather large bowl, so that lighting it good and proper called for a stout hearted smoker. I was such an one!

As the pipe was offered there may or may not have been a warning attached, but even if there had been, I considered myself far too experienced to need or heed such drivel. I was feeling strong and feisty (much wine had been quaffed during the preceding hours), and like a fearless Viking I motioned to have the pipe sent my way so that it could be ignited without further ado. My companions obliged.

Well, I not only lit the pipe, I took a mighty big puff thereafter for good measure.

A few moments later, quite suddenly, I felt extremely peculiar, unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I thought at first that the fellow who had filled and who passed me the pipe, and who is a self-declared alchemist of sorts, had cast a spell on me! What else could this be? I tried to push this ... this... weird stuff out of me. It was like some boiling, bubbling liquid. It seemed to be working for a moment and then it totally flooded me.

I ran!! I just had to get away from where I was and had no idea what else to do.

Well, I ran straight into a fence in the pitch dark night and rebounded onto the ground. Then I just sat there looking up at myself floating in the sky, while looking down at myself sprawled on the ground. I prayed for reassurance that the sane world I used to inhabit still existed out there somewhere, even though I would probably never be able to return there again. There are no words to describe the experience...

To cut a long story short it was not marijuana I lit up so lustily that night. It was a plant called Salvia Divinorum , or "Diviners Sage". Don't try this at home!!

Here's an extract on Salvia Divinorum from the Wikipaedia:

"Salvia divinorum, also known as Diviner’s Sage,[2] ska María Pastora,[3] Sage of the Seers, or simply by the genus name, Salvia, is a powerful psychoactive herb which can induce strong dissociative effects. It is a member of the sage genus and the Lamiaceae (mint) family.[4] The Latin name Salvia divinorum literally translates to “sage of the seers”.[5] The genus name Salvia is derived from the Latin salvare, meaning “to heal” or “to save”.[6]

Salvia divinorum has a long continuing tradition of use as an entheogen by indigenous Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] The plant is found in isolated, shaded, and moist plots in Oaxaca, Mexico. It grows to well over a meter in height, has large green leaves, and hollow square stems with occasional white and purple flowers. It is thought to be a cultigen.[7]

Its primary psychoactive constituent is a diterpenoid known as salvinorin A[8][9]—a potent κ-opioid receptor agonist. Salvinorin A is unique in that it is the only naturally occurring substance known to induce a visionary state this way. Salvia divinorum can be chewed, smoked, or taken as a tincture to produce experiences ranging from uncontrollable laughter to much more intense and profoundly altered states. The duration is much shorter than for some other more well known psychedelics; the effects of smoked salvia typically last for only a few minutes. The most commonly reported after-effects include an increased feeling of insight and improved mood, and a sense of calmness and increased sense of connection with nature—though much less often it may also cause dysphoria (unpleasant or uncomfortable mood).[10] Salvia divinorum is not generally understood to be toxic or addictive. As a κ-opioid agonist, it may have potential as an analgesic and as therapy for drug addictions."

At the time of this event Transiting Uranus was about to turn Retrograde and was within 1 degree of a Square to my Natal Neptune. Uranus Square Neptune can translate as "sudden hallucination" as well as, perhaps, "liberation from dependency".

Although the intense phase of the experience lasted only a few minutes, I felt quite shaken for days afterwards. It is perhaps no coincidence that just a few days after this jolting reality meltdown I stopped smoking cigarettes and marijuana, and very soon thereafter I stopped drinking completely, and it's been that way since.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Etymology of the word "Consider"

From the Online Etymology Dictionary:

consider Look up consider at
1375, from O.Fr. considerer, from L. considerare "to look at closely, observe," lit. "to observe the stars," from com- "with" + sidus (gen. sideris) "constellation." Perhaps a metaphor from navigation, but more likely reflecting Roman obsession with divination by astrology.

A New Car

This afternoon, with Transiting Sun nearly exactly Opposite my Natal Jupiter, and as the Transiting Moon Opposed my Natal Sun, and with both these (Sun and Moon) Square Transiting Jupiter, and after much rigorous negotiation, I finally signed an offer to purchase on a new car!

Reading the Sun Opposition Jupiter and Jupiter Square Sun passages in Robert Hand's Planets in Transit, I must admit I was warned to be careful of committing to more than I can handle, and there can be no doubt that this offer to purchase is exactly the type of thing being referred to.

But then (at the risk of sounding over optimistic under a double dose of Jupiter!) I am also under Transiting Saturn Sextile Natal Mercury and Trine Natal Mars, and I think I can see how these configurations have manifested in this purchasing and negotiation process. Although I am indeed committing to payments that will be challenging to meet consistently, I managed to negotiate a rather good deal through being firm about the limits of my budget. I believe these Saturn Transits contributed to this disciplined streak that contrasts with, and in this case, we hope, balances, the eager exuberance of the Jupiter influences. I looked at many different options and visited a number of car dealers before deciding. I saw that it was difficult to find a decent second hand car cheaper than I am getting a brand new one for (etc. etc.).

Looks like it's going to be a black car, and I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that I am less than three months away from my 35th birthday, which marks the year that Saturn "matures" in every chart (Saturn is associated with the colour black), according to Vedic astrology. Saturn is ruler of my 4th House (the 4th House is associated with vehicles and conveyances in Jyotish), and as the Raja Yoga Karaka for my chart, and being located in the auspicious 9th House, Saturn acts as a benefic for me.

p.s.- the deal was eventually done, and here she is:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

When Jupiter overdoes it

I will soon have Transiting Jupiter Square my Natal Sun. I'm cautiously optimistic about the prospects. I think I can see it at work already, because, with no money to boast of in the bank I am non-the-less obsessed with buying a car! And, if at all possible, I want a nice one!

About a year-and-a-half ago, actually it was the 3rd of January 2007 (with Transiting Sun very close to where Jupiter is now- Square my Natal Sun and in the 4th House from my Natal Sun), I bought a brand new car, a Nissan 1400 “bakkie”. I could hardly believe that I managed to get financed by the bank (and neither could my friends!). It was something of a personal breakthrough since I had assumed that, as something of a hippie, buying a new car was way out of my league. I had less joy with the car itself (perhaps my debilitated Jupiter in the 4th in the Jyotish chart?), but thankfully that's behind me now- I sold it in March this year.

I then contemplated my situation and decided that in light of sharply rising fuel costs, and the modest amount of commuting I do lately, a little motor-cycle would suffice. Well, in the end it was easier to borrow R15 000 than R5 000, and so I got a relatively good Yamaha 125cc bike financed by the bank. I still have it, and I'm quite happy with it, but it isn't quite enough. There are times when my work requires traveling further than my little black panther was designed for, and not having a car for this purpose does arguably restrict the scope of my professional activity.

So, this “I need a car” realization is burning like a fever inside me lately, and with Transiting Jupiter Square my Sun during the coming two weeks or so there's a very real danger of over-extending myself. However, I dare say that Transiting Jupiter Square Sun can be a perfectly natural time to take on a little more, and lift one's standard of living; the trick is knowing your limits. I test drove three cars today... I like the most expensive one!

I note, also, that very few days from now Transiting Sun will be in exact Opposition to my Natal Jupiter. I recall some years ago, under this same transit, applying for a cell phone contract in a very smug and self-assured mood, and being quite surprised and crestfallen when it was declined. Will this recur this year?

It has recently occurred to me from time to time, in between my impassioned vehicle visualizations, that all this craving for material improvement could be distracting me from what's really important (you know, spiritual stuff, etc.) and that perhaps if I could get back to my center, I may see that this “I want that car” preoccupation is not my truest truth....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Moon Conjunct Jupiter 17 July 2008

On Thursday (Jupiter's day), around sunset, look east and find a nearly full Moon rising with Jupiter. This is an auspicious moment. May you be receptive to it's blessings!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mercury/Mars and fighting to be heard

Today I'm under Transiting Mercury Sextile Natal Mars AND Transiting Mars Sextile Natal Mercury, and in my natal chart I have a near exact Mercury/Mars Opposition. There's also Mars Trine Mars and Mercury Trine Mercury energy in my world todayish....

Well, I went off to the bank this morning to inquire whether some of the Saturn/Neptune number confusion had been sorted out yet. I was feisty, and I think I was heard!

Then I came home (enjoying the speed of my motorcycle), and just a few minutes ago I heard my neighbour, a rather old man, sounding more feisty than I've ever heard him sound before, and by the sounds of it, he may well have been giving a piece of his mind to someone at a call centre, like I did a little earlier today.

You know the Sextile Aspect (60 degrees of angular separation between planets) has 3rd and 11th House connotations (as I see it), so under a double Mercury/Mars Sextile Transit your neighbour (3rd House) may well be echoing your own forthright speech.

I have sometimes wondered, having this Mercury/Mars Opposition in my natal chart, whether I sometimes talk too loud, and whether this reflects a "I'm not being heard" complex??

don't tell anyone! ;-)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mars Conjunct Saturn and dangerous threats

It's difficult to be objective about the general or global effects of passing astrological configurations, such as the current Mars/Saturn Conjunction. It is perhaps impossible to view it from anything other than one's own highly subjective and prejudiced angle; but a Mars/Saturn Conjunction is conspicuous as astrological configurations go, because it's a meeting of forces that can usher in dramatically problematic circumstances. It's the kind of thing that makes astrologers just a little nervous... and watchful.

When I started writing this blog entry, a minute or two ago, I had not yet made the following connection:

A few days ago, on the 25th of June, I referred to this current Mars/Saturn Conjunction in my blog entitled “The Rogue Trio- Mars, Saturn and Pluto”, and there I recalled the fact that in May 2002, not long after a Mars/Saturn Conjunction (which marked a period of intense friction between India and Pakistan), Pakistan had “tested” some long range missiles to send a threatening message to India.

I quote below, from, an article that was updated minutes ago:

Iran test-fired medium- and long-range missiles Thursday, a day after the Islamic republic launched the long-range Shahab-3 and other weapons during exercises in the Persian Gulf region, state-run media said. The tests are Iran's response to what it describes as threats from the United States and Israel. They also dramatize the ongoing saber-rattling between Israel and Iran...”

The facts seem to speak for themselves.

It will be interesting to see what occurs about a week into August 2008, when Mars arrives at an Opposition to Uranus, and then a Square to Pluto around mid August...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Saturn, Neptune and "The Hobo Complex”

About a month ago I started formulating a plan to “tour” the country in July, doing astrology readings along the way. It was a lovely image; seeing the country and friends I haven't seen for a while, and making money as I go.

I thought I'd begin at the annual Grahamstown Arts Festival that is held at the beginning of July every year, and where I have very successfully set up my astrology shop in the past. Thereafter I thought I'd pop in at Knysna, and then on to Cape Town...

I checked my own Transits with with care and interest as the time for my departure approached. I noticed that Transiting Saturn (early in Virgo) would be Square my Natal Neptune (early in Sagittarius) during the first half of July, with Mars joining Saturn's exact Square to my Neptune around 10-11 July. I decided to postpone this adventure till the end of July, when Jupiter arrives at a Square to my Sun.

Some people would understandably question the enlightenment of basing relatively important decisions on celestial configurations. I asked myself the same question before deciding to not to launch myself into a relatively demanding and risky escapade, but I decided to trust my astrological judgment in this case, since I would need lots of “luck” and vitality to make it work, and it would be very costly if it didn't.

Of course we can never know what would have happened if I had taken a leap of faith into the frenetic world of the arts festival and other envisaged travels, but I have found it interesting to observe just how “flat” things have been recently, which seems to vindicate my assumption that this would not be a particularly lucky time for me.

Saturn represents practical and concrete things and is thus often associated with one's work and the material aspects of one's life. By contrast Neptune is the least material and concrete planet imaginable and is associated with emotional sensitivity, surrender and fantasy. Saturn in combination with Neptune could represent a challenge to integrate spiritual and material values, and although this can manifest as some sort of austere simplicity and spiritual discipline (the Dalai Lama has these two planets in Opposition in his natal chart), hard aspects between Saturn and Neptune often manifest as disillusionment and depression. Worldly duties may become unbearable, and there may be unusual difficulties in keeping one's material life well organized.

Once a friend of mine, while under Transiting Saturn Opposition Natal Neptune, dreamed he was crossing over a bamboo bridge which initially seemed strong and stable, but then collapsed, and he found himself falling into a murky bottomless abyss.

While I have not lately been depressed, various practical aspects of my life have been less than well ordered. I find myself avoiding work that I really need to get done, and my bank has made mistakes with my accounts that they are at a loss to explain, and it's not over yet!

I sometimes refer to these Saturn/Neptune combinations as “The Hobo Complex”, since people affected by it often give up on trying to keep their material life together, and at times they even resort to drink as an escape from life's challenges. This “renunciation” theme can also take the form of the the austere spiritual discipline alluded to earlier, which can make Saturn/Neptune aspects the “Signature of the Yogi” or spiritual hermit. You may even find some hobos (or yogis) in whom the distinction between spiritual renunciation and mere failure is rather hard to discern. There is a time for retreat and contemplative detachment from worldly things, and those that resist the call to rest, withdraw and simplify their lives may attract forces beyond the control that will erode their rigid resistance through loss and disappointment. For others Saturn/Neptune can represent a time to summon backbone and face the cold world with determination and fortitude, despite being completely discouraged, because we cannot indefinitely avoid any task or duty that is really ours, and turning to face a daunting task tends to reveal that it is not so insurmountable after all.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Those Blessed Benefics!

Today sweet Venus is about 1 degree from an exact Opposition to jovial Jupiter. Tomorrow morning the Opposition will be exact, with Venus at 18 degrees (Tropical) Cancer, and Jupiter at 18 degrees Capricorn. The fact that the Sun and Moon are both in Cancer today and tomorrow (New Moon) brings this Venus/Jupiter Opposition into sharper focus, “vitalizing” it.

Now, it would hardly then come as a surprise to you that I should today receive a call from a friend, whose Ascendant is located at 18 degrees Capricorn, asking me why everything is so wonderful at the moment!!

Interestingly enough, this happy friend decided to call me for this informal “consultation” as the (Transiting) Moon at 2 degrees Cancer Opposed her Sun at 2 degrees Capricorn...

Such poetry!!