Thursday, July 24, 2008

A New Car

This afternoon, with Transiting Sun nearly exactly Opposite my Natal Jupiter, and as the Transiting Moon Opposed my Natal Sun, and with both these (Sun and Moon) Square Transiting Jupiter, and after much rigorous negotiation, I finally signed an offer to purchase on a new car!

Reading the Sun Opposition Jupiter and Jupiter Square Sun passages in Robert Hand's Planets in Transit, I must admit I was warned to be careful of committing to more than I can handle, and there can be no doubt that this offer to purchase is exactly the type of thing being referred to.

But then (at the risk of sounding over optimistic under a double dose of Jupiter!) I am also under Transiting Saturn Sextile Natal Mercury and Trine Natal Mars, and I think I can see how these configurations have manifested in this purchasing and negotiation process. Although I am indeed committing to payments that will be challenging to meet consistently, I managed to negotiate a rather good deal through being firm about the limits of my budget. I believe these Saturn Transits contributed to this disciplined streak that contrasts with, and in this case, we hope, balances, the eager exuberance of the Jupiter influences. I looked at many different options and visited a number of car dealers before deciding. I saw that it was difficult to find a decent second hand car cheaper than I am getting a brand new one for (etc. etc.).

Looks like it's going to be a black car, and I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that I am less than three months away from my 35th birthday, which marks the year that Saturn "matures" in every chart (Saturn is associated with the colour black), according to Vedic astrology. Saturn is ruler of my 4th House (the 4th House is associated with vehicles and conveyances in Jyotish), and as the Raja Yoga Karaka for my chart, and being located in the auspicious 9th House, Saturn acts as a benefic for me.

p.s.- the deal was eventually done, and here she is:

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