Monday, July 14, 2008

Mercury/Mars and fighting to be heard

Today I'm under Transiting Mercury Sextile Natal Mars AND Transiting Mars Sextile Natal Mercury, and in my natal chart I have a near exact Mercury/Mars Opposition. There's also Mars Trine Mars and Mercury Trine Mercury energy in my world todayish....

Well, I went off to the bank this morning to inquire whether some of the Saturn/Neptune number confusion had been sorted out yet. I was feisty, and I think I was heard!

Then I came home (enjoying the speed of my motorcycle), and just a few minutes ago I heard my neighbour, a rather old man, sounding more feisty than I've ever heard him sound before, and by the sounds of it, he may well have been giving a piece of his mind to someone at a call centre, like I did a little earlier today.

You know the Sextile Aspect (60 degrees of angular separation between planets) has 3rd and 11th House connotations (as I see it), so under a double Mercury/Mars Sextile Transit your neighbour (3rd House) may well be echoing your own forthright speech.

I have sometimes wondered, having this Mercury/Mars Opposition in my natal chart, whether I sometimes talk too loud, and whether this reflects a "I'm not being heard" complex??

don't tell anyone! ;-)

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